5 Ways Virtual Reality is Transforming Global Education


Guest post by Jessica Robinson

We all must agree that to meet the ever-evolving needs of the world, technology is a key aspect of life that we can’t ignore. The power of technology is seen in several areas such as medicine, communication, and living standards. Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that has the potential to revolutionize almost every sector.

It is a hot topic worldwide in various arenas like eCommerce and retail, but it’s now evading the education sphere. The latest report shows that the VR market in education is expected to reach $32.94 billion in 2026 at a compound annual growth rate of 39.7%. VR in the education sector started with the Oculus Rift—a headset that was released in 2012. It was connected to a monitor that immersed the user in a 3D realm and that set a new record.

VR technology is now vastly accessible to educators and students of all levels. With other trends like gamification, cameras, and headsets that are now smaller, technology has transformed education like nothing else. Virtual reality refers to the use of computerized technology and devices to create virtual stimulation. With the help of the special glasses, users can see something as if it’s happening right in front of them.

Virtual Reality in the education sector has a wide application and it can be utilized during classroom sessions, training, and it has also created learning opportunities. We all must agree that our experiences with Virtual Reality are just getting started, but here is how it is transforming the education industry globally.

The 5 Ways Virtual Reality is Transforming Global Education

1. Better Learning Experiences

Technology has played a major role in transforming today’s education. Unlike before when students entered classes and expected teachers to explain concepts, give a few examples, share material and then call it a day, students can now expect more than that. Studying something that is just imaginary, yet would make more sense, in reality, has less impact on students’ success. Similarly, there is nothing that annoys students like learning something over and over again without understanding it. In fact, students tend to lose interest in subjects where they lack the actual picture of what teachers are talking about.

Now that VR technology has evaded the education landscape, it is helping students understand complex concepts perhaps in a single setting. VR enhances learning by showing how concepts, especially science, technology, and engineering work. Understanding concepts to the fullest help students believe that their already-set SMART Goals can become a reality. Rather than thinking that learning certain concepts is a waste of time. It allows interaction and self-paced learning, besides allowing remote learning. On the other hand, it is all-inclusive. Content can be personalized depending on the learning needs, and virtual trips can happen anywhere and at anytime.

2. Better Classroom Engagement

Student engagement is one of the major concerns among teachers today. Having a disengaged class is really disturbing, and can make a teacher lose morale. Additionally, disengaged and unmotivated students tend to be passive learners and may make no contributions in class. There are many factors that may cause student engagement, but post-pandemic, the teacher needs to take a new perspective on student engagement.

Student engagement means that students are excited to be in class, and participate by asking questions or answering them, etc. Apart from distraction and workload complex concepts tend to trigger disengagement. Students tend to easily get bored and at times doze off.

Virtual reality is what teachers and instructors may leverage nowadays to deliver an intricate concept. It generally brings things closer to students than mere imagining them. It also makes learning interesting and makes it easier for students to understand concepts.

The immersive learning experiences make it easier for students to interact with virtual environments (dangerous) which could be impossible in reality. Students can also gain knowledge about concepts and experiments that would be difficult to understand with a mere explanation.

3. Virtual Field Trips

Education tends to become expensive when it comes to field trips, practical sessions, and experiments. Virtual reality might have made it easier for some students to learn better without investing more money or even leaving their classrooms. Nowadays the Google Expedition app is available to help students explore inaccessible and dangerous zones far away from them. The educator’s choice of headsets depends on the budget.

These real-time field trips can now provide exposure as long as the student has the right equipment. The graphics, images, or video content can then be projected or viewed on VR headsets. Virtual reality makes it possible for students to have an adventure right in the comfort of their classroom or anywhere else. It is a great way to travel around the world to obtain a better understanding of how things work.

4. Boosts Creativity & Imagination

In the world we live in today, textbook knowledge is no longer enough for students to thrive academically and professionally. It has become important for them to develop or hone a range of skills such as communication, imagination, creativity, and critical thinking. We now see VR as one of the best steps schools can take to nurture creativity in students. VR tools use game design elements to engage learners which triggers them to have greater imagination and think creatively. With the help of VR, students are introduced to simulated visuals and environments that emphasize what students are studying.

The immersive environment gives them a dimensional picture of a concept. Students learn about things that took place thousand years ago and observe environments and spaces million miles away. The educator only has to install the right equipment such as headsets, cameras, a projector, and a screen to bring about the immersive experience.

Besides VR, nowadays many educational institutions and teachers also leverage STEM activities to help students develop a passion for science subjects. More so, they become creative and more prepared to tackle challenges.

5. Practical Skills Training

Education offers knowledge, but this knowledge makes more sense when it is put to use. The modern era has become a wrestling ground for skills and those with them, land more opportunities. When it comes to training and skills, Virtual Reality simulation helps students to learn how things are done in real life for example surgeries. VR is now one of the most approaches to taking student education forward whether during in-person or remote learning.

In simple terms, it offers learners a dimensional and fresh perspective of what they are studying and also helps them obtain hands-on experience. VR labs allow students to conduct advanced experiments and hone their skills before they put them to use in the real world.

To encapsulate, VR is transforming global education in many ways. It is connecting students to far-away classes and dangerous environments that are impossible or risky to access. It largely offers new perspectives of the already known concepts and those which are applicable to real life. It has also provided a platform for better classroom experiences than ever before. Students can also learn from anywhere as long as they have the right equipment. These among others indicate how VR is transforming education globally.

If you would like to learn more about navigating these strange times or how TKL is transforming education, visit teachnkidslearn.com today!


Jessica Robinson loves to write interesting and knowledgeable blogs regarding business management, education and life to satiate the curiosity of her lovely readers. Currently, she is serving as a content manager at the ‘Speaking Polymath’. Every piece of content that she writes demonstrates her immense love and passion for her profession.